In MATLAB, package namespaces (or simply packages ) are used to distinguish between functions, scripts, and classes that otherwise have the same name. We use packages in the HyEQ Toolbox to avoid cluttering the MATLAB base namespace and organize components into logical groups.


Description of HyEQ Package Organization

The most commonly used classes in the MATLAB library, such as HybridSystem , HybridSolverConfig , etc., are not in any package. These classes and functions can be found in the matlab/ directory.

The rest of the HyEQ Toolbox components are organized into the following package hierarchy.

  • hybrid Contains classes and functions that the average HyEQ Toolbox user will not often need, but may be occasionally be useful.
  • hybrid.examples Contains examples of how to use both the MATLAB- and Simulink-based libraries.
  • hybrid.subsystems Contains subclasses of HybridSubsystem that are useful for creating CompositeHybridSystems .
  • hybrid.tests Contains automated tests that verify the correctness of the HyEQ Toolbox's code. Primarily used during developement, but can be run after installing the toolbox by running hybrid.configureToolbox .
  • hybrid.internal Reserved for internal use by the Toolbox. You should not need to access these components directly.

Finding and Using Components in Packages

The components in a package named mypackage.mysubpackage can be viewed by running

help mypackage.mysubpackage

In the file system, package contents are located in a package directory indicated by a "+" prefix. Thus, the files in mypackage package would be located in a directory named +mypackage and within that would be a folder named +mysubpackage . In the HyEQ Toolbox, most of the package directory are located in the matlab/ directory except for hybrid.examples , which is located in Examples/

Referencing a function or class from within a package requires the full package path. For example, to use ZeroOrderHold , it must be referenced as hybrid.subsystems.ZeroOrderHold . The package path can be omitted if the package is first imported by calling

import hybrid.subsystems.*

For clarity, however, we use the explicit package path for classes throughout the HyEQ Toolbox documentation.

For more information on MATLAB package namespaces, see the online documentation .
